Occupational Therapy Services

Occupational Therapy Services Logo

I provide a range of occupational therapy services (some examples shown below) and I am always happy to offer a free 15 minute consultation to see if I can support you and your needs. Send me a message via email or the contact form to let me know what help you need.

I am based in Dorset and am currently still working virtually (via zoom) so your location won’t matter.

My standard initial assessment rate/report rate is £250 and standard hourly rate is £70 for private clients. Some services are offered on a fixed fee basis that includes a discount for block bookings.

AHP Health and Work Report

For employees and employers

Is someone’s health condition or disability making work challenging? Do you want to consider alternative ways of working and identify what reasonable adjustments could be provided to fulfill the requirements of the equality act and support yourself or other people to remain well and work effectively?

I can provide a comprehensive assessment and report including virtual workplace visits.

Carer Advice and Support

Are you a carer needing advice or support (including support in looking after yourself too), or do you hire carers who may need extra guidance in supporting a loved one.

Cognitive Assessment & Support

Have you or a loved one noticed you are having difficulties with your cognition, that is: the ways in which you think, process and remember information?

I can provide cognitive assessment and intervention or strategies to help you overcome any difficulties with daily life.

Disability Awareness Training & Accessibility Assessment

Are you an employer who wants your staff and services to be more disability aware, working toward disability confident status, or do you need your event assessed for accessibility and inclusion. I can provide a bespoke package of management/HR/staff training or review your event plans and provide feedback and guidance.

Expert Witness & Medico-Legal Assessment & Rehabilitation

I am happy to work with solicitors and case managers quoting for comprehensive occupational therapy assessment, goal setting, and ongoing rehabilitation as part of medico-legal proceedings. Equally I would feel confident presenting my findings in a court of law if necessary.

Clinically my experience falls mainly in adult neurology: stroke rehabilitation, multiple sclerosis and Long Covid, and many of my skills such as cognitive assessment are transferable to other conditions, such as traumatic brain injury. My work in academia has given me confidence in presentation and critical clinical reasoning.

Please note I am not sensory integration trained.

Fatigue Management

I have experience working with people with a range of health conditions that have Fatigue as a main symptom, such as Long Covid, ME/CFS, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease and Stroke and I am also aware that fatigue or energy limitation is prevalent in other conditions such as Cancer.

Do you struggle with Fatigue, with a capital F. Not merely feeling tired but an overwhelming exhaustion that interferes with your daily life?

I am aware of the impact of post exertional malaise/symptom exacerbation in conditions such as ME/CFS and Long Covid and am aware of the updated NICE guidance on these conditions. I also live with fatigue myself.

FACETS trained (Fatigue: Applying Cognitive behavioural and Energy effectiveness Techniques to lifeStyle). I can run virtual groups for 6-8 or explore the concepts with people on an individual basis.

Work with me to educate yourself on fatigue, to assess its causes and impacts and to work out how to live with it, rather than to fight it.

Health Literacy & Advocacy

Have you, or someone you know been diagnosed with a health condition and are stuck with not understanding the language and terms health professionals are using or not knowing what questions to ask to make the most of your appointments with other professionals?

Let me demystify the language and make it easier for you to be in control of managing your own health.

Living Life With… (Managing a new Health Condition or Disability)

Getting a new diagnosis or experiencing something life altering can be all consuming and can affect your daily life in so many ways.

I can help you make sense of and learn to live with… whatever challenge comes your way.

Personal Health and Wellbeing Coordinator

Do you, or a member of your family have complex health and wellbeing needs? Do these feel like a full time job to take care of?

I can offer a bespoke co-ordination service that takes away some of that burden and includes some or all of the following:

Holistic baseline assessment.

Client-held care record (digital and/or print).

Weekly or Monthly face-to-face/ telephone/videocall or email reviews.

Coordination and communication with other services (NHS and Private). Advocacy through attendance at select health and wellbeing appointments.

Heath Literacy (education on your condition and medical terminology).

Carer support.

Paid-Carer training.

Applying for relevant benefits.

Preparing for Retirement

Are you a company who wants to support your employees into the transition to retirement?

I can run bespoke group or individual session/s.

Are you an individual who is coming up to retirement but worried about this transition?

I can help you plan for the future to make the most of your retirement.

Preparation for School

Do you have a little one due to make the transition to primary school, and have any concerns about their ability to manage?

I can provide a holistic assessment which can consider their social, physical, mental and academic readiness for school life.

They do not have to have a confirmed diagnosis for me to work with them because I can complete observational assessments and work with the challenges, and strengths that we find.

Following assessment we will set goals jointly, with you and your child an integral part of the process. Then I can design fun and engaging sessions where they can work on skills needed without it seeming like work at all.

School Based Assessment/Support/EHCPs

Does your child struggle at school, either academically, physically, emotionally or socially?

I can help them develop appropriate strategies and skills and will provide a strengths based approach.

I can also assess and provide a report to support a needs assessment or meet with educators to offer advice on adjustments.

Your child does not have to have a confirmed diagnosis for me to work with them because I can complete observational assessments and work with the challenges, and strengths that we find.

Following assessment we will set goals jointly – with your child, you and the school – all an integral part of the process. Did you know that what children think is important can differ from what adults think they need? Often negotiated priorities that meet all perspectives can be the key to motivation. So I can design fun and engaging sessions where they can work on skills needed without it seeming like work at all.

Transition to Higher Education

Transitioning to college or university isn’t just about a leap in academic requirements.

I can help teenagers, or mature students, to plan for that transition.

Did you know occupational therapists can work with people without a diagnosed health condition or disability? We are experts in assessing occupations – activities we need, want or have to do. And heading to university is a big one.

I was a university lecturer so know about the process from admissions through to graduation.

Wellbeing & Occupational Balance Coaching

Are you feeling stuck in life generally? Finding that you aren’t experiencing satisfaction with the balance of work, leisure and self care? I’ve been there.

Sometimes speaking to someone outside of your situation can help to give you new perspective.

I will provide a comprehensive self assessment for you to complete that will form the basis for a discussion and creation of a future focused plan.

Work Smarter

Are you an employer who experiences a high level of stress related absence, or do you support a number of employees with physical disabilities, long term health conditions, mental ill health or learning considerations? Would you like education on disability and reasonable adjustments or review of policies and processes with these issues in mind?

Thanks to both professional and lived experience I can provide innovative ways of improving the health, wellbeing and productivity of your staff – making you an attractive employer and better able to retain staff.

With respect to Long Covid I work as an associate of Long Covid Work – a multidisciplinary consultancy of associate vocational rehabilitation professionals with lived experience of Long Covid who can support employers with training, policy and process review in order to support their workforce with respect to Long Covid or similar energy limiting conditions.